Photographs are a visual expression of a concept or a simple documentation of an artist's expressions. Photography explores through a technical medium the relation between the real and the artificial. In this introductory class students will learn the basics of visual storytelling through black and white photography. Through the theme of the self, students will shoot, process, and print their work that will comprise their end-of-term portfolio. Shooting a number of rolls on 35mm cameras, students will produce weekly contact sheets from which they will cull their best photographs, all of which are self-reflective in subject matter. Other work is comprised of a process book in which they brainstorm and reflect on the learning experience, mistakes, and breakthroughs. Students are expected to participate in class by critiquing the works of others and listening to critiques of their work. Students gain insight into the concept of perception, that of others and their own, and how we all make meaning from this imagery.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Inspiration pictures for week Jan.30th 2011


topics i chose:
-do you wish you had been born something different (i dont wish that i had been born a different sex but i wanted to take pictures of something representing that)
- what you dont like
- what best describes you
IDEAS: take pictures of something written on a paper.
dress up brother in girl clothing, have him holding piece of paper ^
take pictures of things that i dont like, with my brother in girl clothes, holding the papers,
things i dont like:
people who say LAWLZ, ROFL, OMG LIKE OMG
mean people
extreme amounts of light

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Creating A Contact Sheet/Developing Pictures Process

Creating A Contact Sheet/Developing Pictures:
1.) Set up Chemicals (Developer, Stop and Fix) and separate tongs for each chemical
2.) Prepare materials (not easy to find what you need in the dark so arrange it to your memory)
3.) Begin timer for developing and turn lights off (red lights are okay because they will not fog the paper)
4.) Set timer to set time (time determined after testing) and
5.) Place paper down (shiny side up) and place negatives on top
6.) Lock glass into place
7.) Press the start button and begin exposing
7.5) If making a contact sheet, continue exposing the picture, each time covering more of the picture with cardboard
8.) Begin the developing process starting with developer for 1 1/2 minutes
9.) Put the picture in stop for 30 seconds
10.) Put the picture in fix (as soon as the picture is in fix it will not ruin so you can turn the lights back on)
11.) Rinse pictures off in water and let them dry

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fear of Heights

Fear of Heights


Great Fear-Amanda

My Greatest Fear

Not being able to dance again.

Processing Film

1. put the water into the cylinder.
2. agitate.
3. pour out water into the sink.
4. put the developer into the cylinder.
5. agitate for 10minute every 3second.
6. pour out developer into the container.
7. pulling the water into the cylinder.
8. agitate.
9. pour out water into the sink.
9. put fix into the cylinder.
10. agitate for 7minute.
11. pour out fix into the container.
12. put films in sink and raise.
13. clean up.

How to process film- Michael

1. pour the water into the cylinder.
2. agitate for 10 times and pull the water out (nice and easy).
3. pour the developing liquid into the cylinder.
4. agitate for 10 times every 30 seconds for 10 minutes.
5. pour the developing liquid back to the container and pour the fix liquid into the cylinder.
6. agitate for 10 times every minutes for the whole 7 minutes.
7. pour the fix liquid back into the container.
8. clean up everything!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How to process the film--Kevin Wang

1. pour the water into the cylinder.
2. agitate for 10 times and pull the water out.
3. pour the developing liquid into the cylinder.
4. agitate for 10 times every 30 seconds for the whole 10 minutes.( shake the cylinder every time you finish agitating in order to get rid of the bubbles. inside the cylinder.)
5. pour the developing liquid back to the container and pour the fix liquid into the cylinder.
6. agitate for 10 times every minutes for the whole 5 minutes. ( keep agitate until the fix liquid turn into the color of milk.)
7. pour the fix liquid back into the container. (fix liquid is reusable, save it when you are done.)
8. clean up and leave the dark room.
1. put the water into the cylinder.
2. agitate.
3. pour out water into the sink.
4. put the developer into the cylinder.
5. agitate for 10minute every 3second.
6. pour out developer into the container.
7. pulling the water into the cylinder.
8. agitate.
9. pour out water into the sink.
9. put fix into the cylinder.
10. agitate for 7minute.
11. pour out fix into the container.
12. put films in sink and raise.
13. clean up.

Darkroom Developing

Steps To Developing Film:

1.) Pour Water (Clear): Water allows the developer to work better. Agitate to make spread to all of the film (like hot chocolate). Make sure to tap the cylinder to avoid bubbles.

2.) Empty the water, be sure to hold onto the lid just incase it is not secured.

3.) Pour Developer (Black): 10 minutes agitating every 30 seconds. This develops the film and agitating makes sure to develop all the film and make sure to tap the cylinder.

4.) Pour the Developer back into the black container because it will crystallize. Be sure to hold onto the lid when pouring out.

5.) Pour Stop (Blue): Stop is just water and it stops the film from developing. Agitate to avoid bubbles.

6.)Empty the stop, be sure to hold onto the lid when emptying.

7.) Pour Fix (Red): Red brings clarity to the film and gets rid of any white dots on the film. Agitate for 7 minutes every minute.

8.) Pour fix into the red container ( it will crystallize!)

9.) Put the film in sink and rinse

10) Rinse equipment because it will crystallize because of developer and fix!


1.)take the cylinder and add water
2.) pour out the water and add developer
3)Agitate for 10 minutes
3.) pour developer back into container and add stop (water)
4.) pour out water and add fix
5) agitate for 7 minutes
5.) pour fix back into container
6.) put film in sink and rinse
7.) clean up (vital because of the developer and fix crystalize)