Photographs are a visual expression of a concept or a simple documentation of an artist's expressions. Photography explores through a technical medium the relation between the real and the artificial. In this introductory class students will learn the basics of visual storytelling through black and white photography. Through the theme of the self, students will shoot, process, and print their work that will comprise their end-of-term portfolio. Shooting a number of rolls on 35mm cameras, students will produce weekly contact sheets from which they will cull their best photographs, all of which are self-reflective in subject matter. Other work is comprised of a process book in which they brainstorm and reflect on the learning experience, mistakes, and breakthroughs. Students are expected to participate in class by critiquing the works of others and listening to critiques of their work. Students gain insight into the concept of perception, that of others and their own, and how we all make meaning from this imagery.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

great job to all those who posted to the blog, the final work extra marks for you.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Amanda's Final Prints

Here are some my Final Prints. But they got darker after I scan them.

Greatest Fear

Inspiration Pictures

Developing Film

1.) Pour Water (Clear): Water allows the developer to work better. Agitate to make spread to all of the film 10 times then tap the cylinder so the bubbles go away. (GENTLY)

2.) Empty the water, hold the lid so it wont fall off.

3.) Pour Developer (Black): Set the timer for 10:36, agitate 10 times every 30 seconds.

4.) Pour the Developer into the sink with running water (will crystalize) or put it back into the large container.

5.) Pour Stop (Blue): Agitate ten times (just water to clean film)

6.)Empty the stop.

7.) Pour Fix (Red): Shows the clarity of the film and fully develops it. Agitate for 7 minutes every minute.

8.) Pour fix into the red container. And then into the large container to re-use.

9.) Put the film in sink and rinse

10) Clean everything and don't leave a mess.

How to Print both Pictures and Contact Sheets

1.) Set up Chemicals. (Check if enough is inside the tubs and If it is fresh)
2.) Prepare the materials
3.) Begin timer.
5.) Do shiny side up for paper and then put your negatives on top
6.) Lock the glass.
7.) Press start to expose
8.) Begin the developing process starting with developer for 1 minute and 30 second.
9.) Put the picture in stop for 30 seconds (water, used to clean the picture)
10.) Put the picture in fix for 8 minutes
11.) Rinse pictures off in water and let them dry

3 Ideas from the List

1. Your two closest friends
2. My dreams
3. What best describes you
1-- Taking simple white wall pictures of my friends, incorporating objects that symbolize them
2-- My dreams of what I want to become and how I would like to be perceived (out of focus, landspace pictures with people in it not as the main focus)
3-- Highlighting my good traits in happy pictures (laughter, smiles, hobbies, dressed up)